About the Book :
Clay and other minerals in the formation, management and ecosystem services of Indian tropical soils - Dr. D.K. Pal, Former Principal Scientist, NBSS & LUP (ICAR), Nagpur.
About the Author :
Dr. D. K. Pal was graduated in 1968 with honours in Chemistry, obtained M.Sc. (Ag) degree in Agricultural Chemistry with specialization in Soil Science in 1970 and earned his Ph. D. degree in Agricultural Chemistry in 1976 from the Calcutta University. He worked as a DAAD Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Institute of Soil Science, University of Hannover, West Germany during 1980-81. His research activities have created an internationally recognized school of thought on the development and management of the Indian tropical soils. Dr.Pal has built an excellent research team in mineralogy, micromorphology, pedology and paleopedology in the country. He has mentored several M. Sc and Ph. D students of Land Resource Management. He has delivered numerous prestigious invited lectures at national and international meets. In addition, he has served as a reviewer for many journals of national and international repute and contributed reviews and book chapters for national and international publishers. So far, he is the sole author of five books; three are published by Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland, one by the Clay Minerals Society of India, and the other by the Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning. He has also been conferred with many awards (The Platinum Jubilee Commemoration Award of the Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi for the year 2012, ICAR Award, Outstanding Interdisciplinary Team Research in Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Biennium 2005-2006,and 12th International Congress Commemoration Award, Indian Society of Soil Science,1997), fellowship (West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology,2014,National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, 2010,Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi, 2001, Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, Pune, 1996), and honorary membership (The Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi, 2018,The Clay Minerals Society of India, New Delhi,2016). He worked as Scientist S1at the Division of Soils and Agronomy, ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal, Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Soil Resource Studies, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, Nagpur, and Visiting scientist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Telangana.
Price of the book : Rs. 700/-
Postage charge : Rs. 50/-
Contact person for purchasing the book :
Dr. Prasenjit Ray,
Secretary, CMSI and Scientist,
Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI),
Pusa, New Delhi - 110012
Email address: [email protected]